

  • Copy the link of a rapidshare file
    (for example http://rapidshare.com/files/224999037/MM_Productions_2006.avi ),
    paste it in your web browser and hit Enter.
    Alternatively, you may have an active link to click, like this one.
  • On the webpage that opens, click on the "Free" button.
  • Then a new page will open which will have a countdown ticker. Wait until it disappears.
  • Sometimes you will then see a box in which you will have to enter the characters shown in the Character Recognition Image.
  • Finally, a "Download" button will appear. Click on it.
  • Choose option "Save", don't choose "Open".
  • "Save As" where you want.
Note: Rapidshare puts a limit on "Free" downloads. If you must wait to download the next file, Rapidshare will tell you how much time.

HOW TO USE FRACTIONED FILES ("exe" and "rar" files):

Some files which are quite big are fragmented in several parts. For example, ABC.part1.exe + ABC.part2.rar + ABC.part3.rar
  • Get all the parts in the same location and double-click the one with extension "exe".
  • A dialog will open where you can specify the destination folder (default is same location).
  • Click on "Install".
The big file will be built from the several parts and put in the destination folder. You can now erase the parts (the "exe" file and the "rar" files).

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